DIY jewellery gallery

For a little while now, I’ve been looking for something that would give me enough space to hang some of my accessories, something that would let me see all my bits at once, and of course look good too.

I’d seen one or two things in shops and online that I sort of liked, but they were either more than I was willing to pay or not quite what I wanted. I had a corkboard lying around and realised I could probably make something to  fit the bill.

So here’s what I did.


Corkboard, wallpaper, staple gun and picture cord – check!


One covered board

Kind of like wrapping a present, I made sure the stripes were straight, pulled the paper taut and stapled into place. You could of course use fabric which ‘ll probably do next time.

Figure out what you want to hang so you know where to position your rows.

 This is probably the trickiest bit – not just making sure the string was straight, but you have to make sure it isn’t too tight or you’ll have trouble hooking your bits to it.

Et voila! One jewellery gallery


All in all, this took me about 30-40 minutes, though I did have some technical difficulties with my staple gun so it shouldn’t actually take longer than half an hour.

The wallpaper is Sophia stripe teal by Opera.


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  1. What a fabulous Idea..very creative and does not take up too much room or time to complete! Defo doing another one this weekend! Thanks for caring to share! Xx

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