Shades of Grey…..

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I think the UK is the only place in the world you can find so many shades of grey in one place.

Dull, uninspiring and blah that’s what grey usually says to me. Not really a colour but more a by-product of other colours if you know what I mean… having said that grey can look good in its place – like a pair of wide leg trousers in executive grey can so work with a killer pair of heels – or like the glitzy grey (some might say silver) jumpsuit a friend wore the hell out of the last weekend, but I feel I’m forgetting my original point!

I’m one of those people who is seriously affected by the weather, when it’s sunny I’m on top form shining like the sun itself – but when it rains and/or is cloudy I feel down. Pretty nonsensical considering I was born and raised in London so should be used to the seasons, or lack of them, but I truly feel my heart belongs on another continent. With the onset of yet another English winter my heart is starting to feel really heavy.

The world seems decidedly grey too, with banks collapsing weekly and all us normal people having to count our pennies in order to survive where am I supposed to draw inspiration from??? There was an article in the Financial Times last week about interior designers looking for work as people stop spending on luxuries – I could only laugh right?

If I was a poet or painter maybe I would revel in miserable weather and drab surroundings to feed my pain and angst – maybe.

The plain and simple fact is that I need heat, consistent sunshine and an array of vibrant colours to feed my soul but where am I going to find them – answers on a postcard please….

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